Saturday, December 10, 2011

Olympic Day 2011!

Today was Olympic Day at River City Gymnastics and Maddie participated. She has only been taking for a few months, but it is amazing what she has already learned and how much she loves it! They set it up like a gymnastics meet and the different classes were all doing something at the same time. Maddie did beam, vault, bars, and floor. Her favorite is the bar because she says she likes flipping over and over:) It was great being able to watch the older girls and let Maddie see what all she could be doing if she sticks with it. At the end, she received a tshirt and a medal.

Nonna came down to watch and Mimi, Boo Boo, Megs, and Bubba were there as well. I hope that my children will recognize how loved they are and how much support they always have at their different activities! Maddie started Basketball last Thursday and I had to tell my parents and sister that it really wasn't necessary for them to make the practices. During soccer, we had the whole family at every practice. Since she is playing basketball at church, where we know everyone, I thought it might be a little overkill. So the groupies are going to wait until the games start, hopefully:) Seriously though, how lucky are we that so many people support and love us the way they do??!! So thankful for the family God blessed me with, from my own family to Kevin's family to our sweet (rather energetic) children!!!

Back to today-I took a ton of pictures and didn't get a single good one! When I finally had the chance to get up close and take a group pic, my camera died:( I am posting a few anyway, Olympic Day 2011 was a lot of fun!!

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