Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Little Talker!

I always feel like I have so much to update-the blog and facebook, that I tend to simply keep up with what we are doing and splashing a lot of pictures around. Tonight, Maddie made me laugh several different times and I realized I rarely document the little, silly things that they say and do day to day. My memory is so bad, I want to be able to look back on this blog and remember everything. So... this year I am determined to capture the silly sayings, funny moments that our family has, and not concentrate so much on our trips to the zoo (although I will include those too:)

What brought on this train of thought? Well, first of all today was a great day!!! By the time I get to work, I am usually a little frustrated and have spent a good part of the morning arguing with Maddie. She is very independent and wants things done her way in her time. We simply don't have time for that, trying to get everyone out the door by 6:30 every morning. And, of course because I am the boss and the 3 year old is not in charge-right? Well, this morning my 3 year old was a little angel. She got dressed when I asked her to get dressed, she ate all of her breakfast without complaining, she let me brush her hair without crying that it hurt, etc.... As we were getting ready to leave, she commented that when she got bigger she was going to use my pink toothbrush and I could use the purple one (for some reason I have two on our bathroom counter). This afternoon I decided to buy her a new pink toothbrush and she was so grateful and sweet, you would I have thought I had bought her a dog! I love the little things you can do that mean so much to them. If only it would stay that way:) I also found a cute pair of pj's that were marked down to $3.50 at Target that have ducks on them. She was thrilled with them and remembered that I have a pair of pajama pants with ducks on them as well. Needless to say, that is what we are both wearing to bed tonight.

On to a sassy remark she made at the dinner table. I don't even remember what we were talking about (that bad memory thing), but I started to say something and she yelled "mommy, stop entraping me!!!" Now, actually she was quite rude about it and we probably should have gotten on to her. But.. she was trying to "interrupt" and it was hilarious the way she said it, and how many 3 year olds know that word and how to use it in a sentence. She is way too big for her britches, but makes us laugh all the same. I do realize that if she ever says this to her sunday school teacher we won't find it funny at all and will wish that we hadn't laughed about it tonight!

One last sweet comment from Maddie. Most nights she wants her daddy to lay with her. It is a rare privelige that I put that child to bed. But she does like me to put her IN the bed. Then I get to leave and daddy lays down until she falls to sleep. We were told tonight that she wants daddy to lay with her because "he is such a good storyteller". It was so sweet and so true. I stink at telling stories, will fall asleep in the middle of one half the time, and don't have much of an imagination. Obviously Maddie has picked up on that and this is why she prefers her daddy at night. I think her daddy is wishing that he wasn't always such a good storyteller:) Sometimes I hear him still telling her stories 45 minutes later.

So, this is just an example of the little things I tend to document from now on. I wish I had started sooner, because not a day goes by that we don't get at least a few laughs, especially from our little 3 year old. Here are some pics in her new jammies.

1 comment:

  1. hey girl-loved reading about your 3 yrs old stories and Maddie-she is too cute-we are so blessed and what a fun age/stage our kiddos are in. Keep up the great posts!
