I have been slacking in the blogging area lately. I have felt so overwhelmed!! January is always a hard month for me. As soon as Christmas is over I have to start planning Turner's Birthday. That is right, the baby of our house will be THREE next week. Absolutely unbelievable and oh so sad to me! I think at 2 you can still be considered a baby. There is nothing baby sounding at the age of 3! We are going to be celebrating Handy Manny style and I can't wait for it to be here. Birthday parties for my kids are by far the most stressful thing to me. I don't know, they should just be fun but instead make me a nervous wreck.
We have a bunch of friends and family with January birthdays as well, so it has just been busy around here. Between planning a birthday, helping my mom with my sister's reveal party (which is tomorrow and I am so EXCITED), and getting prepared for Valentines day goodies and parties, the list is just never ending around here. But....I wouldn't have it any other way:)
The weather has been crazy warm around here for January, so we have been outside quite a bit lately. Miss Priss is finally able to ride her bike without training wheels. She just wasn't ready last summer, but is doing great now. Kevin had been working with her, and I decided to help her Thursday while Turner was at MDO. Oh my gosh-running and trying to hold on to that girl while she goes is exhausting!! I kept taking breaks to chat with the neighbor, and by the time daddy got home she was able to take off by herself. Praise the Lord:)
I spent most of today making Lemon Blossom cupcakes for Meg and Bubba's party tomorrow. I wish I had taken a picture, but they are good! My parents came over and we just licked up the rest of the frosting. It is a recipe out of the DC Cupcakes book and I am ready to try out some of their other recipes. I am just loving being at home baking, using my cricut (it only took me two years), and doing mommy things. I decided to start back running and I have every day since Sunday except for today. I am going to shoot for 5 times a week. This body is badly out of shape and I have had a lot more energy this week. I am going to really try and stick with it.
This is a pretty random post, but I feel like so much is going on and I never sit down to right about it. Maddie is doing great at gymnastics. I was told that in April they evaluate the gymnasts and pick the ones they want to be on a team. Maddie's coach told me they were going to want her to be on one. It is a big commitment and will require practicing twice a week for an hour and a half each. It also will cost double the money. I am not sure we really want to start all that at the age of 5, but she does enjoy it so we will see. As soon as basketball is over, soccer will start back, and between school, sports, church, and gymnastics, her little life can be a little hectic. I just want to make sure that she enjoys everything, isn't getting too tired, and is able to spend lots of time at home just been a kid! I can't imagine what life will be like when Turner starts his little activities as well! We will definitely have to pick and choose what we do!
Tomorrow we have a basketball games, reveal party, and birthday party. Then Sunday we have church and Super Bowl party with Sunday School. I imagine I will have pictures of something before this weekend is over:) Here are just a few pics from the week. Turner's new favorite meal is tomato soup and grilled cheese. I think it is a weird favorite for a two year old, but I am glad he likes it, I do too:) I had to take a pic with the soup smeared all over his face!!
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