Saturday, May 10, 2014

Big Week!

Lots of fun was had this week!  Harper woke up Monday and decided she was ready to walk.  She is getting faster everyday and is our cute little robot:)   Maddie lost (I pulled) her 8th tooth this week.  The excitement is the same as when she lost her first one.  Turner can't wait to begin losing his!
  The kids had an end of year party at church last night.  I didnt think T was old enough, but he was and had a great time!  The kids had a by this week in soccer.  It was nice to have the morning off....they insisted their daddy take them to the fields to watch their friends.  Harper and I sat that one out.
  It seems as if different milestones are taking plave all the time.  One of Harper's top teeth is so close to breaking through and she is understanding so much more.  She will get us a diaper and throw hers away after we change her.  She still doesnt say much, but it will come.
  Turner only has two more days at his church school.  As part of our program, every child in the 3 and 4 rooms get a scrapbook at the end of the year.  His teacher gave me his Friday.   It is precious and something we will keep forever.  It is so precious,  I might skip making his for the year.   It is probably 25 pages and has a TON of pictures in it.  I love it.
  Teacher appreciation week just ended and between three schools, we had lots of appreciation to be shown.  I might get to work on that one a little earlier next year!!  It was a good week!
  A bonus to the week was a missing shoe found.  Harper has a really fat foot and we own two double wide pairs from Stride Rite.  Two weeks ago one of her sandals went missing.  We had gone walking earlier that day and Kev and I both walked the neighborhood trying to find it.  A few days ago Harper was playing in a cabinet in the kitchen and voila....mystery solved:)

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