Saturday, November 8, 2014

Star of the Week!

Last week Turner was Star of the Week.  We had to make a poster all about him and send it in on Monday.  He worried me to death until we got it done.  He also was able to bring in a favorite toy, a special treat, and something that was valuable to him.  On Thursday Boo Boo went and read to his class.  Kev also took off and was able to eat lunch with both kids.  It was his first time to eat with Turner and it was the perfect week to do it.
  I email his teacher a lot and learned that he had a few sad days and told her that he "missed his mommy".  She would hug him and he would be ok.  He would do it before circle time which is when he would have to share whatever he had brought for the day.  I don't think our little guy enjoys all attention being on him and he had a hard time.  I have never been a fan of public speaking but am pretty outgoing.  So, I totally get it and hate that he was uncomfortable during his special week.
  But the week ended on a good note.  Turner brought home a book that had a page in it from every kid in the class.  They had all drawn him a picture and said what they liked about him.  He loves it and it is a sweet keepsake.  Turner and I both just adore his teacher!

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