Monday, September 2, 2013

Growing up!!

First of all-a few hours after I did Harper's 5 month post...she started sitting up!!!  She can't do it for a long period of time, but oh my stars.  She is so proud and oh so cute:)

Our second born-crazy to believe he was our baby only five short months ago.  I took that pic of him asleep and couldn't believe it.  He is so long!  He is precious and a hand full all at the same time.  So glad we have a boy to love in between our two girls.  He will be a man before we know it and I pray he has all kinds of his daddy in him.  Some girl will be lucky to have him one day!

Our first born-is turning 7 in a few short months and loves painting her toes as much as she loves doing karate in her spiderman outfit.  She went with me to a Ladies Night Out at Friday night and seemed so grown.  She wants to do her homework as soon as gets home from school yet thinks school is boring and says she doesn't want to go.  She can act so grown and little all at the same time.

I never imagined these three littles would be able to bring us this much joy!  All three different and they all belong to us!  God is good!

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