Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Wilkes Family is becoming 5!!!!

These past few months have been a whirlwind for sure!!!  Let me start by saying God's timing and my own are definitely not always the same.  As I have said before, after my last miscarriage in April I went through a rough patch.  During that time, I also came to the conclusion that I was perfectly content with just having Maddie and Turner and didn't care to try again.  HA!!! the middle of July when I was two weeks late and decided to take a pregnancy test I was absolutely FLOORED when it took all of two seconds to show up positive!
  At first I was very nervous.  I had been tested for a clotting disorder and it had come back positive.  The doctor told me I needed to take an aspirin and folguard daily before I became pregnant and throughout the pregnancy.  Well, since I wasn't planning on having anymore, I never started taking the meds.  So I was so scared that I had messed up and that this baby would result in another miscarriage.  I am 13 weeks today and so far everything is going great!  I had a little spotting Thursday night and was a nervous wreck, but the quick trip to the doctor yesterday ended in me getting my very first baby picture in 4D, who has a healthy heart rate of 157!
  I hadn't started blogging when I was pregnant with M and T, so I am looking forward to being able to document everything throughout this journey.  The past two weeks I have felt pretty good and the past two days I have had a TON more energy.  I hope this is how the 2nd trimester is going to stay!  In the beginning I stayed sick, and just completely exhausted.  I can't tell you how many times I just passed out on the couch with M and T wide awake running around.  I have never done that before, but just couldn't seem to keep my eyes open.  Zofran has been a miracle drug to help with nausea and I am so thankful for it.  It is probably the reason that I gained TEN pounds this past MONTH!  I about died while getting weighed yesterday.  I definitely have to slow down or will be in a lot of trouble in a few months.  With Turner, I threw up the WHOLE time, and I always said that if I hadn't I would have been as big as a house.  I kind of like to eat while pregnant, and since I am not as sick anymore (Praise the Lord), I am going to have to be more careful!
  A few thoughts on my plans for this pregnancy (which I am reserving the right to change my mind at any time!!!):

-I don't want to find out what we are having.  Kevin wants to know.  Ultrasound tech told me yesterday that I am the patient and she won't tell either of us anything unless I ask her to.  Sorry Kevin:)

-I don't want to be induced this time.  I would love to go in labor on my own.

-Kevin THINKS he is naming this baby.  He says that I named Turner and at that time I told him if we ever had another one, he could pick out the name.  I totally don't remember anything about that conversation:)

-We are trying to decide if we should try and move or turn the playroom upstairs into Maddie's room.  Either way, we have a lot of work ahead of us and need to figure it out soon.  Been praying that God makes it clear whatever we are supposed to do!!

-The kids are so so excited!!  I think we waited until 11 weeks to tell them and they were thrilled.  Maddie has been saying she wants a brother and Turner has said both. 

Both of our families are very excited for us and Kevin and I are both excited as well.  Kevin is never home right now, so I will be glad when football season is over.  It has been a crazy crazy few months but we are definitely blessed beyond measure and realize that every single day!!!

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