Sunday, June 29, 2014

This Girl!

Our Harper Doodle is big fat mess!!  She is 15 1/2 months old and brings us more joy every day.  We were out of the baby stage when she came along, and this time has been so sweet.  She has a mind of her own and tries her best to keep up with Maddie and Turner.  Here are a few updates on just her.
  Words we hear multiple times a day from her- ball, side (outside), snack, boo boo, thank you, bath, shoes, and bow.  This sums up her favorite things.  Last night Harper joined Turner in the bath while still wearing her diaper.  I ended up bathing her and getting her out.  She had on another diaper and before I got her dressed, she was back in the tub:)  After I dress her, she always goes straight for her shoes and then starts looking for her bows.  I think this girl might be our girly one!  We don't call her princess for nothing!
  She loves being naked!  If she can get away from us between diaper changes, she will!  She laughs all the time and is our happy girl.  She has 6 teeth on top and 2 on bottom.   She puts herself to sleep at nap and we still give her a bottle at bedtime.  She only drinks water and milk and steals the big kids cups at every opportunity!   She had another ear infection recently and has a well check on Wednesday.  
  She can now climb on the couches, chair, you name it.  We have to keep our eyes on that girl!  She loves swimming, popcicles, and giving kisses.  This girl keeps us on our toes we love her to pieces!

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