Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Many Faces of H!

 Unfortunately, we spend a lot of our awake time doing this:(  We are taking Zantac and Bio Gaia and trying different formulas trying to get Harper's tummy figured out.  It is terrible!!

 But fortunately, in the last week of so this little girl has also started smiling which definitely brings a smile to our face!!  I take a million pictures on her changing table because that is where she seems the happiest.  Sometimes she just needs to be put down and left alone I think!

 This would be her pooping face:)  She seems to have some trouble in this department and there is no question about what she is doing when it happens! 
My favorite face of all-Ha!!  Finally content, peaceful, and zonked out.

Harper turned 4 weeks old on Friday and although she has definitely been our fussiest baby so far, we can't imagine life without her.  Just praying that we get her formula figured out and that we have a happier baby soon.  I hate it for her and it is hard to take her anywhere when she spends the majority of her time crying.  Maddie and Turner are so good with her and have handled the constant crying very well!!!

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