Thursday, September 13, 2012


We have been working with Turner on writing his name for probably 8 months.  We have lots of workbooks for the kids and we spend a lot of time at the kitchen table working on those or upstairs at the chalkboard.  The kids love to do "school".  Well, I thought it was important that Turner could write his name before he began preschool last month.  I knew that Maddie could write her name before 3, so I thought Turner would too.  I have learned that these two children are completely different, move to a different beat, and although both are intelligent-their learning processes are different and they aren't going to follow the same timeline as the other.  And that is OK!!
  I am not a teacher and had a difficult time trying to teach Turner.  He knows his letters, recognizes them, but just has a hard time writing them.  He can trace them perfectly, and then you have him do it on his own and he can't remember.  But today he had me go upstairs with him.  He wrote his name completely on his own without me writing it first, with the exception of the "e".  We practiced that a few times but he knew that letter came next.  So proud of him!  We have been working hard and I know he was thrilled with himself as well:)

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