Friday, July 15, 2011

My strong willed little boy!!

The two's are hard....I had forgotten....Turner has reminded me a lot this week!!! He can be the most lovable, sweet little boy. He can also be the most stubborn. Let me share a few of his favorite phrases this week- "LEAVE ME ALONE", and "You are not being nice, I am telling daddy/mommy", and how about "I said IN A MINUTE". Most of the time these are yelled at the top of his lungs. We have gotten past the biting stage....that is biting people. Now, when he gets mad, he bites objects, and then throws them. I will admit, I have wanted to cry a few times this week. I have also started reading "Bringing up Boys" by Dr. James Dobson and am half-way through with "Grace-Based Parenting" by Dr. Tim Kimmel. I know that we have to show grace and love to our flawed son the way that Christ does for us. At times, it is hard.

So how are we handling it? Today he went to time out three different times for his screaming fits and did get the spanking spoon/hand twice. We make him stay in time out until he is done thowing his fit and can calm down. He has such a strong will, and we are determined not to give in to his tantrums. This morning he simply didn't want to take off his jammies to get dressed. Tonight, he didn't want me to take his old diaper off to put a new one on. He decides he does or doesn't want something, and it takes a lot for him to see things our way. It hurts everyones feelings and I hate it. But we are working through it, and we still love him to pieces. He is our sweet, expressive, stubborn, full of life little boy and we are so glad that he is ours!!! (But pray for us if you think about it:)

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