So we have had an interesting few days. I think I mentioned last week that Maddie had an ear infection and has been on antibiotics. I also think I mentioned that Sunday she seemed to be a little broken out on her face. We spoke with the pharmacist and they thought it was a reaction to her antibiotic and said to stop giving it to her. Monday morning she wakes up-face and body are clear! I pick her up from Jene's that afternoon-she is broken out. Worse than the day before and I am getting concerned. This time I call the pediatrician-they don't think it is due to the medicine. Right now I can't even remember what they said, but it was different than what the pharmacist had said. They did say that if she did the same on Tuesday to bring her in. Tuesday morning she wakes up-face and body are clear!!! Are you seeing a pattern here? This has been a very frustrating, roller coaster week! I take her to Jene's, call and check on her every hour and she is fine. I get a call from work about 1 from Jene, telling me she is covered from head to toe. They had been playing outside and when came back inside she looked a hot mess!
I get her an appt., race out of work to go get her, and almost cry when I see her. Thank goodness this rash didn't hurt or bother her, because it looked TERRIBLE!!! I immediately cancelled our hair appointments for that afternoon and was expecting the worst. I didn't know what was wrong with her, but I knew something was happening. Dr. Welch was very thorough in checking over Maddie. She drew her blood-which resulted in very loud screams for a very long time, and said that it was a viral rash. She said it might not look pretty, but as long as she is still eating, playing, and acting the same, that is what is important. She said it could take a few weeks to completely clear up and is aggravated by the heat or when she gets hot-which is why she looked so terrible after playing outside at Ney Ney's. There is nothing we do to treat it and fortunately she hasn't had any spots since Tuesday. I am praying that was the worst of it and it won't come back. Folliculitis, viral infection rash.....if there is something crazy to be gotten, I think my child will get it. But praise God for an otherwise pretty healthy little 3 year old. I can handle these minor illnesses, food allergies, asthma....there are so many children suffering with terminal diseases and other much more serious illnesses. I count my blessings every day and thought I would show you a picture of her bumps:)
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